piatok 17. februára 2012

Marian Kotleba v STV 2(16.2.2012)

Marian Kotleba bol na STV2, vyjadril sa o diamantovej bani(z coho muselo byt vela zlodejov na cele s miklosom na kolenach) a povedal mnoho inych veci. Strucne a jasne, ziadne dristanie a zafarbovanie. Napriek tomu ze mal asi najmenej casu zo vsetkych a moderatorka mu casto skakala do reci.

Marian Kotleba on STV 2. One of a few nationalists and true Slovaks Marian Kotleba was talking about needed changes in our country: Public courts(like are in western countries) - now they are not public and judges are corrupted and since 1993 they didnt solved any real case. The corruption in Slovakia is one of the biggest in the world and Antimonopol and anticorruption secretaries do nothing against criminality. Marian Kotleba also told about diamond mine, which is the case in which Ivan Miklos, minister of finance stole this mine from Slovakia. Media are hiding this case befor public(you can read more on www.diamantovabana.sk). He was also talking about our insurance companies, which are both - one public(Vseobecna zdravotna poistovna) but directory is connected to corruption group Penta. And one private (Dovera), which is owned by Penta. Penta has paid politics and is in big corruption case called Gorila. Marian Kotleba said that we need to have just one public bank of deposit - like in Canada instead of Private companies, which steal money from people that are for health. It is non-sense to profit from human health and this is the speciality of evil company Penta.

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