pondelok 30. apríla 2012

Yulia Tymoshenko - jewish robbery of Ukraine

This women was arrested for robbing Ukraine. She has very good relations with american terrorist George Bush jr. Now she is in prison and jewish lovers of Europe are against this. Between this people is Angela Merkel (great lover of Israel and Van Rompuy - jewish), Vaclav Klaus (jewish, pen thief), slovenian president...and also all western media. There are evidences that she and her husband have signed contracts that stolen ukrainian people millions of dollar. The women like this should be in prison and should have electric chair.
The problem why are all against is that she has jewish herritage and Jews are with her. Because she helped USA to parasite on Ukraine (Orange revolution).


This are my opinions, they can be bad....
I am not racist, antisemitist, but I am against nations that think they are messianic and are the chosen one. I want freedom, love, equality for everybody on Earth: black, white, jew, palestinina...we are all the people....I am against holocaust of Jews on palestinian people.

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