štvrtok 24. mája 2012

Justin Bieber, Scooter Braun and Jews

Last time I hear Bieber in radios quite often. I hate the music like this, but I was interested if he is now jewish. I opened up wikipedia of Bieber and didnt find any jewish roots....but saw Scooter Braun who discovered Bieber and started his career. And surprise... he is jewish...so Bieber be careful not to finish like Michael Jackson, who was poisoned by his jewish doctor. Because Jews use everybody for his career and money and then they destroy him....

streda 23. mája 2012

Microsoft and state robbery of Slovakia

Microsoft has secret deals with Slovak goverment. They signed deals for Microsoft assurance, which is used in goverment for less than 10%. For this licences, despite the fact that we bought it last year, we are going to buy it again. In Slovakia starting doctor has sallary about 400eur. This year we need 30 millions eur for all sallaries for all doctors and nurses. The govermnent says that we dont have 30 millions eur. But  we have 50 millions for licences that we dont need. I dont understand why every politician is Slovakia is so stupid(sorry not stupid, to much clever to rob people). I expect when people will rise and show this pigs, that we have it enough.
This is the same way like finished Greece, it was robbed by politicians with special deals with big U.S and European companies. Because the only positive fact for big unions is for big companies, monopols and for destroying small firms in home states.

Euromills, Peter Močko and robbery of Slovak people

From European union we get money to support people with poverty. Simon - slovak minister should get meal and other help get from company Euromills. But it showed that meal for 88500 people has lost and the deal was just about money for nothing. This is typical for Slovakia. Robbery like this and the justice in Slovakia doesnt work (mainly because of non functional procurature lead by person connected to mafia - Dobroslav Trnka). So this is one example from thousand how the rich people in Slovakia robe poor people. Interesting fact is Peter Močko, who is in more companies also in Euromills.

sobota 12. mája 2012

Protesty v Londýne (Máj 2012)

V Londyne sú masívne protesty podobné Occupy Wall street a podľa nich sa aj označujú ako Occupy London. Ako prvé miesta kde protestujú sú sídla 1% vyvolených. A v Londýne ich je dosť, obzvlášť v London City, ktorá patrí Židom a je komplet pod ich správou, je nezávislá od zákonov Veľkej Británie a taktiež je to daňový raj.
Konkrétne pred sídlom Goldman Sachs, ktorá začína byť veľmi neobľúbenou vo svete. Druhou zastávkou bola súkromná firma, ktorá patri medzi 2. najbohatšiu na svete Deloite. Jej úlohou je radiť korporáciam a bohatým jednotlivcom ako neplatiť dane a zarábať na štátoch. Potom nasledovali pred Bank Of England(patrí Rothschildovcom), kde si rozložili stany.  Prečo sa v niktorom našom denníku o tom nepíše? Čo židovské média, obracia sa situácia proti Vám?


streda 9. mája 2012

Londýn 2012 - olympijske hry a zion (vyvolená krajina - Izrael) v logu


prvy na tuto udalost upozornil iransky prezident. Zaujimave je ze by to bola az taka nahoda. O com samozrejme pochybujem, hlavne ked Londyn je miesto s najvacsim poctom najbohatsich zidov (zionistov) na svete. London city - centralna cast londyna je oblast ktoru vlastnia Rothschildovci, pre ktoru neplatia zakony Velkej Britanie (neplatia ani dane) a je centrum s najvacsim hdp na svete (su tu najvacsie banky, financne institucie: blackrock, the fidelity, the vanguard)....zionistit nam to chceli aj ukazat

utorok 8. mája 2012

Herman Van Rompuy - the ugly jew

This ugly jew responsible for creation of bailouts in EU and more deepening crysis is afraid of situation in EU. Propably because of not suitable results of elections in Greece, where more than half of parliament is against EU and financial help. And also because of new president of France - Holland, which is against rich and banks....
So this parasite - Rompuy is planning special meeting - not official.

nedeľa 6. mája 2012

hnonline a špinavá propaganda

U nás protestovalo okolo 10000 ľudí a nepísalo sa o tom v žiadnom zahraničnom denníku alebo tlači, až na jeden....a to len zmienka. Pričom 10 000 ľudí z 5 000 000 je pomerne veľké zastúpenie. Ale splietať a širíť žvasty, že proti Putinovi protestovalo 10 000 ľudí zo 150 miliónov mi príde smiešne a ubohé v podaní ľudí, čo sú schopní takúto sračku pustiť do étera.

Lubomir Galko - Slovak minister of defense wanted to buy weaponry from Israel

Galko was Slovak minister of defence, responsible for some political scandals. He wanted to make deals and buy from state of Israel, which has big weaponry business, but is responsible for a lot of deaths of many people, mainly Muslims.
It is sad that somebody that looked fair wanted to make deals with country like Israel.

Nežidia majú slúžiť Židom tvrdí rabín


Rabín je najvyšší duchovný Židov....

Vanunu odmietol Nobelovú cenu - človek, ktorý prezradil, že Izrael má atómovú bombu

Človek, ktorý prezradil svetu vyvinutie atomovej zbrane Izraelom (vývoj, resp. získanie návodu na výrobu atómovej bomby sa pripisuje Perezovi) odmietol prijať Nobelovú cenu. A toto odmietnutie zdôvodnil tým, že nikdy nepríjme cenu, ktorá bola udelená človekovi zodpovednému sa stovky mŕtvých - Shimonovi Perezovi. Izrael je jeden zo štátov, ktoré majú a nemali by mať atómovú bombu. Napriek tomu, že za to čo oni robia kritizujú Irán. Vanunu sedel v Izraelskej vaznici od 1986 do 2004. Plány o izraelskej bombe posunul britským denníkom.
Mordechai Vanunu - jeden z mála nenacistických židov:

Miroslav Nosál and Jan Huraj

Both this robbers of Slovak people they paid themselves money from state owned corporations. They are from political party - SaS, which was trying to rob Slovakia mainly by selling state owned gas pipe - Eustream. The man interest in sell was Miškov (SaS).

How Jews teach to hate palestinians since child


Izraelská tajná služba zodpovedná za tisícky vrážd...


Jew Dr. Finkelstein about Israel


One of a few Jews that realize the reality and is not blinded by Torah and messianic writing about chosen one jewish people as a nation....

Accountant of SDKU stole in 5 years 666 000 EUR

SDKU was one of the biggest political parties in Slovakia. He was connected with the most political scandals. His accountat Eva Lilkova stole this money and in accounting she wrote that it was for petrol (propably she owns a tank and maybe some MIG). This is just one example how corrupt this party is. What is more interested that in 5 years nobody noticed that. Propably because of that, they work with much bigger sum of money than this.

Israel created in the same year when World War 2 finished

Israel was formed in the same year as the World War 2 finished. This was the only one positive event of Second world war. It is interesting that Israel was created in the same year, so early. Why??
The answer is only one, it was planned since 1900 by Theodor Herzl and World War 2 was the jewish tool to create Israel. Adolf Hitler was paid by rich jewish people (Rothschilds). The Israel was created by sending out all palestinians from their houses. Since that time Israel is trying to restore biblical borders, where belongs: Irak, Lebanon, Syria, part of Egypt, part of Lybia, part of Turkey. Is it coincidence that in all this states Israels make wars and conflicts since 1948? No. Israel is terrorist states that wants to make genocide of Palestinians and all other Muslims.

Hollande vs. Sarkozy

Sarkozy has jewish descend (mother is half jewish, and herritage in judaism is according to mother...), so he is jewish. Because of that he has big support of Israel, USA, Germany (Merkel is also big supporter of jewish people and Israel), Great Britain (the second biggest jewish country after USA). Sarkozy loves wealth and all his friends are billionaires.
Hollande is completely french. He is again terror in Afganistan, he wants to support middle class. He has no relations with big companies and billionaire, like Sarkozy.
Why french people should vote for jewish man who destroyed France? If they are real nacionalist they will choose real french president - Hollande. I hope that Hollande will win and will stop jewish infiltration of France.

sobota 5. mája 2012

Sračky, sračky v hnonline.sk


akosi zabudli na tri najväčšie firmy sveta: The Vanguard, The BlackRock, The fidelity, ktoré ovládajú celý západný finančný trh a vlastnia väčšinové podiely vo všetkych svetových bankách. Ich majitelia sa vypátrať nedajú, kedže sídlia v daňových rajoch. Podľa neoficiálnych (ale vždy pravdivejšich ako oficiálnych židovských zdrojov) ich vlastni diabolská židovská rodina - Rothschieldovci.

Protesty v Egypte o ktorých sa už nehovorí


V Egypte protestujú tisíce ľudí proti vláde vytvorenej ako dočasne riešenie po zhodení Mubaraka. Kedže sa na tomto prechode nabalilo USA aj Izrael, tak toto už USA netrápi a nehovorí o Egypte napriek tomu, že nepokoje sú tam podstatne väčšie ako za Mubaraka.
No čo vy satanistické spojenie USA-Izrael, ľudia zomierajú, kde je vaša humanitárna pomoc?

Prečo je problém u nás vychovať dobrých mladých hokejistov?

Severské krajiny ako Nórsko, Dánsko...vychovali mladú generáciu, do ktorej investovali množstvo financií a času. Ale oplatilo sa im to, kedysi mužstva, ktoré nevedeli riadne hrať hokej, sú dnes elitou vo svete. Viacero zdrojov mi potvrdilo hlavný problém u nás a to je korupcia a úplatky potrebné na to, aby trenér postavil hráčov a hrali tí čo na to majú a nie tí čo dobre zaplatili. Toto je hlavným problémom Slovenska, kde všetko sa rieši úplatkami a najsmutnejšie je, že aj v športe. Žilinské hokejové mužstvo je toho čistým príkladom - v Žiline za dorast a juniorku trénery pýtajú peniaze od rodičov, tí keď nedajú hráč aj keď je kvalitný si nezahrá. Jedným z takýchto korupčných trenérov je Róbert Rehák. Je smutné, že taketo finančné krysy si neuvedomujú, že nielen degradujú spoločnosť ale aj ničia život mladým nádejným hokejistom.

piatok 4. mája 2012

Daniel Lipšic - words, words and no results

Daniel Lipšic is average slovak politician, who built his popularity on case gorilla (some sources say that he is one of organisator of this protests to earn more voices for his party - KDH). Before general election in 3/2012 he said that after election, there will be known results of gorila case. Till now nothing has happens, nothis says in media. Some sources say that Lipšic is agen of Israel secret service - Mossad (something like CIA, responsible for deaths of thousands people...)

štvrtok 3. mája 2012

Penta, Zvolenská, Fico and robbery of Slovakian people using healt insurance system

Zvolenská, which is now minister of health in Slovakia was working in Penta insurance company - Dôvera, which is in half owned by Penta and another half by Prefto Holding limited registered in Cyprus( offshore company with the purpose to avoid paying tax and creating fictive business to make more profit).
Every person in Slovakia pays insurance about 50eur per month. This money goes to Dôvera, Dôvera should use this money just for paying for health care, but it isnt like this. He using this money to profit. During the time Zvolenská was working in Dôvera, she signed the the paper which tells that Dôvera can give 450 000 000 eur to his owners. This money are our money, which we pay through insurance system and are not used for our health but for profit for somebody (this is only possible in some corrupt country like Slovakia is).
Be aware of Penta if you will have any possibility to make business with them, is better for you to send them out. This people are biggest robbers in modern era of Slovak republic.

streda 2. mája 2012

INEKO - how to earn money and do nothing

INEKO - Institute is a non-governmental non-profit organization established in support of economic and social reforms which aim to remove barriers to the long-term positive development of the Slovak economy and society. The point? nothing.  Why? Because Slovakia is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.  The creator of this organisation - Eugen Jurzyca - was the minister of school and all his reforms brought more chaos. The most ridiculous idea was to exam people of Slovakia. Can you realize that some people paid by our money come to 80 years old women and will ask her about office, excel, computer? This idea has the point to give job families and pay them for nothing (like everything in SLovakia - corruption and byrocration everywhere). Also is ridiculous that Jurzyca was part of the most corrupt pary - SDKU.